a gavel on a table with two toy cars crashingFiling a car accident claim is sometimes a simple process. That is, when the cause is cut and dry, and the responsible party accepts fault. In many situations, though, these matters can be complicated, and those injured must go through a long and arduous process to pursue compensation.

Knowing what to expect during the process can help prepare you for the steps you need to take.

Here are some of the things you may expect in a car accident case.

  • Filing the claim: Following the crash, you must report the accident to your insurance company to begin the process of filing a claim, even if the other party was at fault. Your insurance company should help communicate with the other party’s insurer.
  • Claim acceptance or denial: In some cases, the claim may be accepted, and the responsible party pays out compensation. In other situations, though, a claim can be denied.
  • Filing a lawsuit: If a claim is wrongfully denied, the injured individual may have the right to file a lawsuit within the statute of limitations. You must have the correct and accurate documentation to do so.
  • Motion to dismiss: Upon notification of the lawsuit, the defendant may file a motion to dismiss in an attempt to have the case dropped entirely by a judge. If unsuccessful, the lawsuit will proceed as necessary.
  • Discovery process: During the discovery process of a civil lawsuit, both legal teams are given the opportunity to present the other one with evidence and documentation gathered from the crash. Both sides review the information and decide on the next steps.
  • Settlement offer: If the defendant recognizes the plaintiff has enough information to prove significant fault, they may offer a settlement amount. The plaintiff has the right to accept the settlement and forfeit the continuation of the lawsuit, counter the offer, or deny the offer.
  • Trial: If the settlement is considered inadequate and the defendant will not reconsider another offer, the plaintiff may decide to pursue compensation through a trial. A trial allows the attorney to present the evidence they have, to persuade a jury to rule in the plaintiff’s favor.

At Lowe Law Group, our car accident attorneys take the necessary steps to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Trust that we have your best interests in mind and work hard to protect your rights.

Call us today at (800)-319-5196.

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