The combination of alcohol and the open waters is often a dangerous one. Whether the operator or passengers are intoxicated, alcohol can cause a significant problem on a boat. Someone with a high enough blood alcohol content level can be charged with boating under the influence. Even more, they can cause some of the most significant and devastating collisions on the water.

Our team will be there to help you understand your options to hold the drunk boat operator accountable. We want to provide tenacious representation when you need it most.

The Leading Cause of Fatal Boating Accidents

Alcohol is considered the leading contributing factor to fatal boating accidents, making up 23% of deaths. Of course, drowning is what most often causes death, but alcohol use and crashes lead up to many of these situations.

Intoxication can cause the same inabilities on the water as it does on the road. At times, it can be worse because of the long exposure to the sun and the motion of the water. The more fatigue a boat operator is, the less their liver functions, potentially meaning a higher blood alcohol content level.

Intoxication can cause:

  • Reduced reaction time
  • Reduced visibility
  • Reduced decision-making ability
  • Increased fatigue

Potential Victims In an Alcohol-Related Boating Accident

When someone is intoxicated, they can cause some of the most severe boating accidents. Victims can range greatly depending on the situation, and even the drunk boat operator can sustain harm. Here are some of the most common victims in a boat accident:

  • The intoxicated boat operator
  • The passengers on the boat with the intoxicated boat operator
  • The passengers on the other watercraft
  • The people swimming in the water that the drunk boat operator doesn’t see

If you suffer a severe injury in a boating accident, know that you have rights. Working with a lawyer in these situations can help you safeguard your rights.

At Lowe Law Group, we work for you. We know that the results of a boating accident can be catastrophic, so we work to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf. Our boating accident lawyers go above and beyond during your difficult time to help you safeguard your rights and navigate the aftermath of a boating accident.

Call us at (800)-319-5196 for a free consultation.
